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A Parish Plan is a consultation exercise that builds on a detailed survey of how Borough Green developed over time, what the Village is now, and crucially what are our Resident's wishes for how our village develops into the future.

A Parish Plan does not have the same planning weight as a Neighbourhood Plan, but it can be used to express views that might conflict with the Local Planning Authority's.

Below we list the stages taken to reach the 2014 Parish Plan, and the character Area Appraisal which provides a detailed study of our Village as it was in 2011

We need an updated Parish Plan to be lodged as part of the TMBC Local Plan Regulation 18B consultation which should happen in summer 2024. We have already added a draft Chapter 6 to the Character Area Appraisal below. The best way forward is probably to combine and update the 2011 Parish Plan with  the 2014 Update, and redraft the 2014 Green Spaces Appendix. 

These documents when submitted will inform TMBC's Managing Development and the Environment (MDE) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), so that it becomes embedded in the Local Plan evidence base.



2005 Parish Plan Consultation Draft, subject of a weekend long public consultation, and public comments. It contained                               no mention of TMBC and BGPC's plans for Isles Quarry

2009 Parish Plan as submitted to TMBC and its Local Development Framework. This deeply flawed version contains a

                            series of "ACTION PLANS" that introduce a plan for 200+80 houses at IQW. These action plans were                              drafted by a Senior Planning Officer at TMBC, and were accepted by the Planning Inspector that a

                            Public Consultation supporting Mass Housing had been evidenced, even if the Public knew nothing

                            about the sheme until a few weeks before the Inquiry when details were published in the Sevenoaks


2011 Parish Plan When the new Parish Council took over in May 2011, it immediately adopted this Updated Version to

                             remove previous support for mass development in the Village.

2014 Parish Plan Supplementary, Further updates to 2011 version

2014 GREEN Appendix to 2011 Plan, to be updated




CHAPTER 1     Introduction        

CHAPTER 2     Master Map 2024, updated with new developments      

CHAPTER 3     Origins of Borough Green.

                         Sevenoaks Rd, Maidstone Rd, Wrotham Rd, High St

                         19th Century Quarry Hill, Rock Rd, Station Rd, Western Rd       

CHAPTER 4     Early Developments

                         Interwar Homes for Heroes Crowhill, Hillview

                         50s Tollgate & Fairfield

                         60s Woodlands, Valleyview, Wye Rd & Annetts Hall, Lingfield, Normanhurst.       

CHAPTER 5     Recent Development Tolsey Mead, Griggs Way, Staleys Acre, Blackhorse Mews, Tillmans,

                         Hillview Close, Roman Court, Stone Court.

                         Odds *& Ends 

                         Commercial- Bourne Estate, Station Court.

                         Design Guidance      

CHAPTER 6     Draft 2024 update including Isles Quarry, A-Z Housing, Allingham Way and Ray Chopping Close 

                         It also includes infill developments and conversions       

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© 2020 by Borough Green Parish Council. Created with        

ALL PICTURES COPYRIGHT (c) Mike Taylor  (c) Steve Hayman (c) Borough Green Photos , (c) Nigel Stapley  (d) Scott Wishart       

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